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02 Mar 2023 : 14:35 Posted by Administrator Comments:  Views: 
Very Important Section of Code of Criminal Procedures 1973

Very Important Section of Code of Criminal Procedures 1973

1[41A. Notice of appearance before police officer.-- (1) 2[The police officer shall], in all cases where the arrest of a person is not required under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 41, issue a notice directing the person against whom a reasonable complaint has been made, or credible information has been received, or a reasonable suspicion exists that he has committed a cognizable offence, to appear before him or at such other place as may be specified in the notice.
(2) Where such a notice is issued to any person, it shall be the duty of that person to comply with the terms of the notice.
(3) Where such person complies and continues to comply with the notice, he shall not be arrested in respect of the offence referred to in the notice unless, for reasons to be recorded, the police officer is of the opinion that he ought to be arrested.
3[(4) Where such person, at any time, fails to comply with the terms of the notice or is unwilling to identify himself, the police officer may, subject to such orders as may have been passed by a competent Court in this behalf, arrest him for the offence mentioned in the notice.]

Top Criminal Advocate
Top Human Rights Advocate

For more details, visit below
9873005424, 9873087903
(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.
All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.
Dr. Anthony Raju
Advocate , Supreme Court of India.
Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
Chairman - National Legal Council
International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.
Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.
Secretary General : Asian Human Rights Council
International Peace keeper

Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated, Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed and Accredited PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist, Motivator, Changemaker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded several National & International Awards for his Excellence work for more than 15 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.

#dranthonyraju #drjuneann #drtessmartin #drameenaali #aparathapa, #sandeepmarwah, #Tophumanrightscouncil, #Humanrightsinindia #Socialjustice, #freelegalhelp #HumanRightsOrganizationsInIndia, #HumanRightsComplaint, #HumanRights, #AdvocateSupremeCourt #HumanRightsMembership ##TopHumanRightsOrganisationofIndia #peace #gahrc #humanrightseducation #humanrightsleadership #humanitarian #ihrac #dranthonyraju #aichls #humanrightsambassador #tophumanrightsactivistofindia #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #nhrc #tophumanrightsadvocateof india #topcriminaladvocate #nationalhumanrightscommission #topcriminaladvocatesupremecourtofindia
"Human Rights In India,Social Justice,Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India, State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India" "Human Rights In India, Social Justice, Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India,State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Anthony Raju , Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India"

In Public Interest, More Links Of Human Rights/Government Organisation working for the promotion and protection of Human Rights. Legal Aid in India.

Gujarat Human Rights Commission › statecommission › gujarat-human-ri...
22-Mar-2021 — Gujarat Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 079-23257594 ; Fax: 23257596 ; Email: ; Website:
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 2/5/22

Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
State Human Rights Commissions ; Tel.No.: 079-23257594 ; Fax: 23257596 ; Email: ; Website: ; Address: Karmyogi ...

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission
Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. Block No 1, 4/5th Floor,Karmayogi Bhavan, Sector-10/A, Gandhinagar - 382010. Website :

Contact Us - Gujarat State Human Rights Commission › contact
gujarat human rights commission from
21-Feb-2023 — Gujarat State Human Rights Commission ; 1, Mr. Justice Ravi. R. Tripathi, Hon'ble Chairperson, 079-232 57546 ; 2, Shri Urvil. D. Limbachiya, P.S. ...
People also ask
Who is the chairman of Gujarat Human Rights Commission?
Who is the head of State Human Rights Commission?
How do I file a case with the Human Rights Commission?
What is the role of state HRC?

Who is the human Right Commissioner of Gujarat state?
Where is the headquarter of Human Rights Commission?
How do I file a case with the Human Rights Commission?
Who is the present state human rights commission?

Gujarat Human Rights Commission
Tel.No.: 079-23257594.
Fax: 23257596.
Address: Karmyogi Bhavan, Block no. 1, 4th and 5th floor, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar. Gujarat.

Gujarat Human Rights Commission › statecommission › gujarat-human-righ...
About featured snippets


Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
State Human Rights Commissions ; Tel.No.: 079-23257594 ; Fax: 23257596 ; Email: ; Website: ; Address: Karmyogi ...

How to file an online complaint › complaints › complaints › how-to-f...
Select the option whether the complaint of same incident is filed before any Court OR State Human Rights Commission. RELIEF DETAILS. Swipe to view. 25. Name, ...
4. State: Select name of your State from the list
3. Address: Mention Complete address for Cor...
5. District: Select name of your District from the ...
1. Name: Mention Complete Name
People also ask
How do I file a case with the Human Rights Commission?
What kind of complaints can be made in human rights commission?
How do I mail a Human Rights Commission?
मानवाधिकार आयोग में किस तरह की शिकायतें की जा सकती हैं?

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission
Gujarat State Human Rights Commission ; Hon'ble Chairperson Mr. Justice Ravi. R. Tripathi Hon'ble Chairperson, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission ; Shri M. H. ...

Contact Us - Gujarat State Human Rights Commission › contact
21-Feb-2023 — Gujarat State Human Rights Commission ; 1, Mr. Justice Ravi. R. Tripathi, Hon'ble Chairperson, 079-232 57546 ; 2, Shri Urvil. D. Limbachiya, P.S. ...

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia › wiki › Gujarat_State_Human...
The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission is an autonomous state body with quasi-judicial powers tasked to investigate any violation of human rights in the ...

Online Complaint - Human Rights Commissions Network › HRCNet › public › webcomplaint
Select Incident State. · Where do you want to submit your complaint (Select NHRC/SHRC). · Verify your mobile number, through One Time Password(OTP). · After ...

human rights commission doctypes: gujarat - Indian Kanoon › search › formInput=human r...
PLEASED TO direct the respondent No.6 National Human Rights Commission to register the said complaint and investigate and prosecute ... terms of para 15(C) ...

national human rights commission doctypes: gujarat › search › formInput=national...
PLEASED TO direct the respondent No.6 National Human Rights Commission to register the said complaint and investigate and prosecute ... terms of para 15(C) ...

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission - Gandhinagar › Gandhinagar-gujarat › Gujar...
Established in the year 1995, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission in Gandhinagar Sector 10 listed under Government Organisations in Gandhinagar-gujarat.
Rating: 4.1 · ‎38 votes
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(4) · Social welfare center
94-95/Rishi-kunj , Somnath society
Open 24 hours
International Human Rights Association
(10) · Non-profit organization
Shreenathji Complex, L 21, below Lifeline Hospital · 098988 66639
Open ⋅ Closes 6 pm

"This is the firm which have good approach to prevent it..."
International Human Rights Protection Council
No reviews · Association or organization
22 · 091040 11978
Open ⋅ Closes 5 pm
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Map of human rights membership in surat gujarat

Gujarat Human Rights Commission › statecommission › gujarat-human-ri...
22-Mar-2021 — Gujarat. 1. Chairperson. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ravikumar Tripathi. 23257546. 2. Member ... Member. Shri J. K. Bhatt, IPS (Retd.) 079-23257498.
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 2/5/22

Surat - IHRA › teambycity › val=Gujarat › city=Surat
Citizen's Guide · Whistleblower Protection Bill · Role of Courts in Protection of Human Rights · FQ Police · International Covenant on Civil and Political ...

What is the fees of human rights membership?
How do you become a member of human rights?
How do I register with the Human Rights Commission?
Which is the human rights Organisation in Gujarat?

Gujarat Human Rights Commission › statecommission › gujarat-human-ri...
22-Mar-2021 — Gujarat Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 079-23257594 ; Fax: 23257596 ; Email: ; Website:
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 2/5/22

Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
State Human Rights Commissions. Select State ... Gujarat Human Rights Commission. Tel.No.: ... 3, Member, Shri J. K. Bhatt, IPS (Retd.) 079-23257498.
Map of human rights membership in ahmedabad gujarat
Photo of India Crime & Human Rights Grievance Redressal Association
India Crime & Human Rights Grievance Redressal Association
4.9 (37)·Non-profit organisation
Open ⋅ Closes 6 pm

Human Right Protection Council Of Gujarat
(14) · Non-profit organization
SF-7, Vivekanand Industrial Estate & Apparel Park, Rakhial Rd · In Vivekanand Estate · 079 2277 0999
Open ⋅ Closes 6:30 pm
India Crime & Human Rights Grievance Redressal Association
(37) · Non-profit organization
B/6 Himani Complex Nr.Gujarat State Co.Op Bank · 084604 72002
Open ⋅ Closes 6 pm

"I proud be join India crime human rights"
(8) · State government office
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
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People also ask
What is the fees of human rights membership?
How do you become a member of human rights?
Which is the human rights Organisation in Gujarat?
How do I register with the Human Rights Commission?

Gujarat Human Rights Commission › statecommission › gujarat-human-ri...
22-Mar-2021 — Gujarat Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 079-23257594 ; Fax: 23257596 ; Email: ; Website:
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 2/5/22

Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
State Human Rights Commissions. Select State ... Gujarat Human Rights Commission. Tel.No.: ... 3, Member, Shri J. K. Bhatt, IPS (Retd.) 079-23257498.
People also ask
Which is the human rights Organisation in Gujarat?
How do you become a member of human rights?
What is the fees of human rights membership?
How many members are in the State Human Rights Commission?
Who is the human rights activist in Gujarat?
Who is the chairman of Gujarat Human Rights Commission?
Who is eligible for human rights Commission?
What is human rights member?
What is the power of human rights member?
What is the use of human rights certificate?
What are human rights courses?
Why do you want to join the human rights Certificate Course?
Which state has no Human Rights Commission?
How many states in India have state human rights commission?
Who is the head of State Human Rights Commission?

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission
Hon'ble Chairperson Mr. Justice Ravi. R. Tripathi Hon'ble Chairperson, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission ; Shri M. H. Shah Hon`ble Member, Gujarat State ...

Contact Us - Gujarat State Human Rights Commission › contact
21-Feb-2023 — Gujarat State Human Rights Commission ; 3, Shri A. G. Dave, P.S. to Hon'ble Chairperson, 079-232 57546 ; 4, Vacant, Hon'ble Member, 079-232 57592.

Gujarat State Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia › wiki › Gujarat_State_Human...
The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission is an autonomous state body with quasi-judicial powers tasked to investigate any violation of human rights in the ...
Agency executive: Justice Ravikumar Tripathi, ...
Preceding agency: National Human Rights Co...
Federal agency: India
Formed: 12 September 2006

news headline › single_page
The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission is an autonomous state body with quasi-judicial powers tasked to investigate any violation of human rights in the ...

Gujarat Committee Members › gujarat
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status.

gujarat human rights commission News - Times of India › topic › gujarat-hu...
19530 results — gujarat human rights commission News: Latest and Breaking News on gujarat human rights commission. Explore gujarat human rights commission ...

human right court doctypes: gujarat - Indian Kanoon › search › formInput=human r...
Human Rights Act, 1993 for alleged violation of Human Rights of "Equality" before the Human Rights Court, Junagadh, claiming regularization. Gujarat High ...

28 Feb 2023 : 14:55 Posted by Administrator Comments:  Views: 

Top Criminal Advocate
Top Human Rights Advocate

For more details, visit below
9873005424, 9873087903
(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.
All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.
Dr. Anthony Raju
Advocate , Supreme Court of India.
Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
Chairman - National Legal Council
International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.
Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.
Secretary General : Asian Human Rights Council
International Peace keeper

Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated, Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed and Accredited PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist, Motivator, Changemaker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded several National & International Awards for his Excellence work for more than 15 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.

#dranthonyraju #drjuneann #drtessmartin #drameenaali #aparathapa, #sandeepmarwah, #Tophumanrightscouncil, #Humanrightsinindia #Socialjustice, #freelegalhelp #HumanRightsOrganizationsInIndia, #HumanRightsComplaint, #HumanRights, #AdvocateSupremeCourt #HumanRightsMembership ##TopHumanRightsOrganisationofIndia #peace #gahrc #humanrightseducation #humanrightsleadership #humanitarian #ihrac #dranthonyraju #aichls #humanrightsambassador #tophumanrightsactivistofindia #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #nhrc #tophumanrightsadvocateof india #topcriminaladvocate #nationalhumanrightscommission #topcriminaladvocatesupremecourtofindia
"Human Rights In India,Social Justice,Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India, State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India" "Human Rights In India, Social Justice, Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India,State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Anthony Raju , Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India"

In Public Interest, More Links Of Human Rights/Government Organisation working for the promotion and protection of Human Rights. Legal Aid in India.

What is human rights Association of Andhra Pradesh?
How many members are there in the State Human Rights Commission?
What is the fees of human rights membership?
राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग में कितने सदस्य हैं?
How can I join human rights membership in India?
How many PACS are there in Andhra Pradesh?
How many States have the state human rights commission 2022?
Who can be a member of Human Rights Commission?
Who are the human rights committee members?
How do I join the human rights Membership?
What is the use of human rights certificate?
How do I register with the human rights Commission?
किस राज्य में मानवाधिकार आयोग नहीं है?
Is there a course for human rights?

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Member phone Address
U.M.Devendra Babu ( Secretary) Mob:+91-9491525507 H.No-2/21, Uppara street, Yemmiganur, Kurnool district, 518360
N.N.Srinivasa Rao (publication Team) Mob:+91-9246616225 Vijayawada, Krishna District
N.N.Srinivasa Rao (publication Team) Mob:+91-9246616225 Vijayawada, Krishna District
7 more rows

AP State | Human Rights Forum › contact-2 › state-board

Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission › statecommission › andhra-pradesh-s...
06-Jul-2022 — Address: A.P. State Guest House, Room no.- 1,2 & 4, ... Public Relations Officer. 9. Deputy Superintendent of Police.

Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission ... Address: A.P. State Guest House, Room no.- 1,2 & 4,
People also ask
How do I complain to the AP Human Rights Commission?
What is NHRC postal address?
Where is the National Human Rights Commission headquarters located?
मैं एपी मानवाधिकार आयोग से शिकायत कैसे करूं?

How do I complain to the AP Human Rights Commission?
What is NHRC postal address?
Where is the National Human Rights Commission headquarters located?
मैं एपी मानवाधिकार आयोग से शिकायत कैसे करूं?
What kind of complaints can be made in human rights commission?
What type of complaints can be lodged in Human Rights Commission?
Who can file a complaint?
How do I file a complaint on AP?
What is the Office of the human rights?
Who is the present state human rights commission?
Who is the present Human Rights Commission?
What human rights commission can do?
Are human rights complaints public?
How do I complain about a woman harassment?

Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission › statecommission › andhra-pradesh-s...
06-Jul-2022 — Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission ; 1. Chairperson ; 2. Member (Judicial) ; 3. Member (Non Judicial) ; 4. Secretary & CEO ; 5. Deputy ...

Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission ... 3, Member (Non Judicial), Dr. Gochipata Srinivasa Rao.

Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia › wiki › Andhra_Pradesh_State...
Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission · Justice Mandhata Seetharama Murti, Chairman · Shri Sri Dande Subramanyam, Member.
Headquarters: Andhra Pradesh State Guest H...
Agency executives: Justice Mandhata Seethar...
General nature: Federal law enforcement
‎History and Objective · ‎Composition · ‎Functions · ‎Limitations
People also ask
What is human rights Association of Andhra Pradesh?
How many members are there in the State Human Rights Commission?
What is the fees of human rights membership?
राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग में कितने सदस्य हैं?

AP State | Human Rights Forum › contact-2 › state-board
Human Rights Forum is a non-political, non-funded voluntary organisation and is NOT RELATED to the Human Rights Commission of Telangana or Andhra Pradesh ...

Andhra Pradesh Team - HRPCI › andhra-pradesh-team
Shri.P.Ramachandra Raju. South India Vice Chairman, Human Rights Awareness Committee ... District Executive Member, Visakhapatnam, AP. HRPCI Member ...

Andhra Pradesh Committee Members › andhra_pradesh
Andhra Pradesh Committee Members ; Mrs. Syed Anisa Baig. President- Karnool District ; Mrs. Geeta. Vice-president Andhra Pradesh ID. No. V460C/AP/22 ; Mr. M. Kiran ...

Andhra Pradesh - IHRA › teamdetail › val=Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh: Human rights commission will become voice ... › ... › amaravati News
16-Sept-2021 — AMARAVATI: Stating that human rights are fundamental rights granted by the Constitution, Andhra Pradesh Human Rights Commission (AP HRC) ...

The Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission ... - GAD › acts-and-rules › law-order
Vacation and casual absence account shall be kept for the. Chairperson and each member by the Secretary of the. Commission or any other Officer of the ...
15 pages

news headline › single_page
members of Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee who have led the fight for human rights in that state at considerable risk to themselves. The conclusions ..
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How can I join Karnataka Human Rights Commission?

How can I join Karnataka Human Rights Commission?
In which year Karnataka State Human Rights Commission came into existence?
How many members are there in the State Human Rights Commission?
Who can be a member of a state human rights commission?

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Tel.No.: 080-22392200.
Fax: 22392207.
Address: 1st to 4th Floor,Multi Storeyed Building,5th Phase, DR. B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Near Vidhan Soudha. Bangalore-560001. Karnataka.

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › about-us › state-commission
About featured snippets

Top Criminal Advocate
Top Human Rights Advocate

For more details, visit below
9873005424, 9873087903
(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.
All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.
Dr. Anthony Raju
Advocate , Supreme Court of India.
Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
Chairman - National Legal Council
International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.
Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.
Secretary General : Asian Human Rights Council
International Peace keeper

Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated, Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed and Accredited PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist, Motivator, Changemaker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded several National & International Awards for his Excellence work for more than 15 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.

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"Human Rights In India,Social Justice,Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India, State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India" "Human Rights In India, Social Justice, Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India,State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Anthony Raju , Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India"

In Public Interest, More Links Of Human Rights/Government Organisation working for the promotion and protection of Human Rights. Legal Aid in India.

Contact Us - KARNATAKA STATE HUMAN RIGHTS ... › page › Contact+Us
10-Jan-2023 — KARNATAKA STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION · 1st - 4th FLOORS, 5th PHASE, MULTISTOREYED BUILDING, BANGALORE-560 001. · Phone: 080-22392200 Fax:080- ...

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How do I write a complaint to the Human Rights Commission?
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What does the Karnataka State Human Rights Commission do?

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › statecommission › karnataka-state-h...
24-Feb-2022 — Karnataka State Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 080-22392200 ; Fax: 22392207 ; Email: ; Address: 1st to 4th Floor,Multi ...
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How to file an online complaint › complaints › complaints › how-to-f...
Select the option whether the complaint of same incident is filed before any Court OR State Human Rights Commission. RELIEF DETAILS. Swipe to view. 25. Name, ...
4. State: Select name of your State from the list
3. Address: Mention Complete address for Cor...
5. District: Select name of your District from the ...
1. Name: Mention Complete Name

Online Complaint - Human Rights Commissions Network › HRCNet › public › webcomplaint
Select Incident State. · Where do you want to submit your complaint (Select NHRC/SHRC). · Verify your mobile number, through One Time Password(OTP). · After ...

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › files
The complaints in H.R.C.Nos.277 of 2009 and 279 of 2009 are filed complainant by name Sri Siddalinge Gowda, subsequent to the com.
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human rights doctypes: karnataka - Indian Kanoon › search › formInput=human r...
RETIRED MEMBER OF KARNATAKA HUMAN RIGHTS 2 COMMISSION, M S BUIDLING ... complaints before the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, State Human Rights ...

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Karnataka Human Rights Commission as per Annexure-'C' on 20.07.2020. 3. The Human Rights Commission has closed the complaint holding. Karnataka High Court.

State human rights panel launches plaint helpline › City
07-Mar-2015 — The Karnataka State Human Rights Commission (KSHRC) on Friday launched its first helpline for registration of complaints...
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Hon'ble Chief Minister | Govt. of Karnataka.
‎Recruitment · ‎Functions of the Commission · ‎Powers of the Commission
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10-Jan-2023 — KARNATAKA STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION · 1st - 4th FLOORS, 5th PHASE, MULTISTOREYED BUILDING, BANGALORE-560 001. · Phone: 080-22392200 Fax:080- ...
Map of karnataka state human rights commission

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission
(100) · Government office
Bengaluru, Karnataka · 080 2239 2203
Open ⋅ Closes 5:30 pm
Karnataka State Human Rights Council
No reviews · Non-profit organization
Bengaluru, Karnataka · In Karnataka Seeds · 080 4151 1007
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Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › statecommission › karnataka-state-h...
24-Feb-2022 — Karnataka State Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 080-22392200 ; Fax: 22392207 ; Email: ; Address: 1st to 4th Floor,Multi ...
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Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › about-us › state-commission
State Human Rights Commissions ; Tel.No.: 080-22392200 ; Fax: 22392207 ; Email: ; Address: 1st to 4th Floor,Multi Storeyed Building,5th Phase, ...

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia › wiki › Karnataka_State_Hum...
The Karnataka State Human Rights Commission was formally constituted by the Government order No. LAW 20 LAG 05 dated 28 June 2005.

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › files
KARNATAKA STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. No. HRC. 4243 /CR/2008. 4th Floor, 5th Phase,. Multi Storeyed Building,. Bangalore, dated: 02-05-2009.
17 pages

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission members and ... › News › Cities › Bengaluru
7 days ago — Karnataka State Human Rights Commission members and chairman to retire shortly, but govt. yet to begin process to replace them.

A Review of Karnataka Human Rights Commission et al. › Publication
A proper, holistic discussion of accountability requires, at minimum, that attention be paid both to state institutions and the mechanisms of citizen engagement ...

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission - India | LinkedIn › company › karnataka-state-huma...
Karnataka State Human Rights Commission - India | 29 followers on LinkedIn.

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The NHRC is responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights, defined by the act as "Rights Relating To Life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the constitution or embodied in the international covenants and enforceable by courts in India".

National Human Rights Commission of India - Wikipedia › wiki › National_Human_Rights...
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National Human Rights Commission India: Home
NHRC India re-accredited with 'A' status by Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) in Geneva · corrigendum: Commencement of the WIP-2022 ...
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National Human Rights Commission.
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Vacancies / Results ; 5, Applications are invited for ...
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The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India ...
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National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) - UPSC ... - Byju's › ... › UPSC Preparation Strategy
27-Oct-2020 — The National Human Rights Commission or NHRC is a standalone entity of the Government of India with the mission of promoting and protecting ...
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National Human Rights Commission - INSIGHTSIAS › polity › national-hu...
national human rights commission of india from
National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC), is a statutory body established in 1993, under the provisions of The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
NHRC India (@India_NHRC) · Twitter
All the orders/directions of the Commission on the complaints of human rights violations can be accessed from HRCNet portal.

@IndiaUNGeneva @Ganhri1
Twitter · 3 days ago
To know on what issues, when and how to approach NHRC, please see…

To further understand watch NHRC Short Film…….
To file a complaint click…… OR
Twitter · 3 days ago
Media posted by NHRC India
Media posted by NHRC India
Media posted by NHRC India
NHRC Member, Dr. D.M. Mulay, interacted with the students and faculty of the Political Science and Sociology Department, @RtmUniversity, Nagpur during their visit to the Commission today on 23/02/23.
#HR4All #HumanRightsTraining


@ANI @PTI_News @PIB_India
Twitter · 4 days ago
Media posted by NHRC India
International conference on Climate Change & Human Rights attended & addressed by NHRC Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra, besides the other dignitaries, concludes in Doha, Qatar.

#HR4All #ClimateAction

@QATARNHRC @UNDP @UNHumanRights @Ganhri1
Twitter · 5 days ago
Media posted by NHRC India
Media posted by NHRC India
Media posted by NHRC India
Media posted by NHRC India
Protection of human rights of Indian Seafarers working on foreign registered ships remains a concern, says NHRC Member, Dr. D.M. Mulay.
Details at:…

@dgship_goi @MEAIndia @shipmin_india

@ANI @PTI_News @PIB_India
@Ganhri1 @APFHumanRights @IndraManiPR
Twitter · 5 days ago
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Human Rights Commission | Government Of Assam, India › frontimpotentdata
The NHRC is the National Human Rights Commission of India, responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights, defined by the Act as "rights relating ...

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) › legal › article-4334...
History: The National Human Rights Commission was established on October 12, 1993. ... The NHRC is an embodiment of India's concern towards the promotion and ...

Comments of NHRC India on Human Rights Council - OHCHR › files › Procedures › NHRI
Comments of NHRC India on Human Rights Council. Resolution 32/31 on Civil Society space. Under Section 12 (i) of the Protection of Human Rights Act,.
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How to file an online complaint › complaints › complaints › how-to-f...
Select the option whether the complaint of same incident is filed before any Court OR State Human Rights Commission. RELIEF DETAILS. Swipe to view. 25. Name, ...
4. State: Select name of your State from the list
3. Address: Mention Complete address for Cor...
5. District: Select name of your District from the ...
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Karnataka State Human Rights Commission › statecommission › karnataka-state-h...
24-Feb-2022 — Karnataka State Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 080-22392200 ; Fax: 22392207 ; Email: ; Address: 1st to 4th Floor,Multi ...

Online Complaint - Human Rights Commissions Network › HRCNet › public › webcomplaint
Select Incident State. · Where do you want to submit your complaint (Select NHRC/SHRC). · Verify your mobile number, through One Time Password(OTP). · After ...

complaint / case status - Human Rights Commissions Network › HRCNet › public › CaseStatus
COMPLAINT / CASE STATUS ... Diary No (complaint only). OR. Case/File Number. Enter Captcha not found. Online Visitors: 266; Total Visitors: 2334471.

Register online complaints with National Human Rights ... › service › detail › register-...
Register complaints online with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). Users can register their complaints with the Commission by filling an online form.

Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission - MPHRC › CommissionsInIndia
KARNATAKA STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 4th Floor, 5th Phase, Multi Storeyed Buildings Bangalore-560001. Karnataka ; STD CODE : 080 ; FAX : 22392206, 22373123, ...

Life Membership open for Karnataka Chapter › single_page
Karnataka State Human Rights Commission. 4th Floor, 5th Phase,. M.S.Building, Bangalore- 560001. Dear Sir,. Subject: Complaint of Judicial ... Online ...
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state human rights commission doctypes: karnataka › search › formInput=state hu...
Karnataka Human Rights Commission as per Annexure-'C' on 20.07.2020. 3. The Human Rights Commission has closed the complaint holding. Karnataka High Court.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Complaint Registration › frequently-asked-questions-faqs-com...
A person intending to file a complaint before the National Commission for women may do so by making a complaint on the official website of the Commission ...

How and when to submit a complaint with National Human ... › nhrc-complaint
To know the procedure of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), we need to know the functions and limitation of the commission and major issues in India. ...

Human Rights Commission Guide for Complainants and ... › sites › hrc › files
If the case involves a minor child or if there is otherwise good cause to avoid revealing the name of the Complainant to the public, a pseudonym will be assigne...

Human rights violation Complaint - How to file, Documents ... › General
human rights violation Complaint may be made to the Commission by the victim or by any other person on his behalf. Humans Rights Commission.

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Live webinar on IPC 304b, by Dr.

Live webinar on IPC 304b, by Dr. Anthony Raju, Advocate Supreme Court and Leading Human Rights Activist.

Is 304 B IPC bailable or not?
What is Section 304B and 498A?
Is bail possible in 304B case?

धारा 304 B क्या है?
304 बी जमानत कैसे मिलती है?
304 बी आईपीसी कंपाउंडेबल है या नहीं?

304 बी आईपीसी को शामिल करने का विधायी इरादा दहेज हत्या के खतरे को दृढ़ता से रोकना था : सुप्रीम कोर्ट

चर्चा में क्यों?
हाल ही में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय (SC) ने भारतीय दंड संहिता (IPC) की धारा 304B के दायरे को यह संकेत देकर विस्तृत किया है कि महिलाओं के खिलाफ क्रूरता को निर्धारित करने के लिये कोई उपयुक्त फॉर्मूला नहीं है।

प्रमुख बिंदु:
IPC की धारा 304B:

धारा 304 के अनुसार दहेज हत्या का मामला बनाने के लिये महिला की शादी के सात वर्ष के भीतर जलने या अन्य शारीरिक चोटों (सामान्य परिस्थितियों के अलावा) से मृत्यु होनी चाहिये।
दहेज की मांग के संबंध में मृत्यु से ठीक पहले उसे पति या ससुराल वालों से क्रूरता या उत्पीड़न का सामना करना पड़ा हो।

भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 304B के अंतर्गत जहाँ किसी स्त्री की मृत्यु किसी दाह या शारीरिक क्षति द्वारा कारित की जाती है या उसके विवाह के सात वर्ष के भीतर सामान्य परिस्थितियों में दहेज मांग को लेकर क्रूरता किया, जिससे स्त्री की मृत्यु हो जाती है, तो वह कम से कम सात वर्ष के लिए कारावास, किंतु जो आजीवन कारावास तक का हो

How do I safeguard from false dowry case?
What action can be taken against false dowry case?
Can 304b IPC be quashed?
How do you beat false 498A case?
Who has burden of proof in 498a?
What if 498a proved wrong?
What are the proofs for dowry case?
How can I defend myself against false accusations in India?
How can false cases be prevented?
How do you quash a dowry case?
Can dowry case be taken back?
What percentage of dowry cases are fake?
Is bail possible in 304B case?
Is false evidence bailable?
What is the landmark Judgement on 304B?
Can police file chargesheet without evidence?
What happens if you give false evidence?
What is the punishment for false allegations?
What are the essential ingredients to bring a charge under Section 304B of IPC?
Is 304B Compoundable?
On what grounds anticipatory bail can be rejected?

मैं झूठे दहेज के मामले से कैसे सुरक्षित रहूँ?
झूठे दहेज मामले के खिलाफ क्या कार्रवाई की जा सकती है?
क्या 304बी आईपीसी को रद्द किया जा सकता है?
आप 498A के झूठे मामले को कैसे हराएंगे?
498a में सबूत का बोझ किसके पास है?
क्या होगा अगर 498a गलत साबित हुआ?
दहेज मामले के सबूत क्या हैं?
मैं भारत में झूठे आरोपों के खिलाफ अपना बचाव कैसे कर सकता हूं?
झूठे मामलों को कैसे रोका जा सकता है?
आप दहेज के मामले को कैसे रद्द करते हैं?
क्या दहेज का मामला वापस लिया जा सकता है?
दहेज के कितने प्रतिशत मामले फर्जी होते हैं?
क्या 304बी मामले में जमानत मुमकिन है?
क्या झूठा सबूत जमानती है?
304बी पर ऐतिहासिक फैसला क्या है?
क्या पुलिस बिना सबूत के चार्जशीट दाखिल कर सकती है?
यदि आप झूठे साक्ष्य देते हैं तो क्या होता है?
झूठे आरोपों की सजा क्या है?
IPC की धारा 304B के तहत चार्ज लाने के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री क्या हैं?
क्या 304बी कंपाउंडेबल है?
किस आधार पर अग्रिम जमानत खारिज की जा सकती है?




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(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.

All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.

Dr. Anthony Raju

Advocate , Supreme Court of India.

Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.

Chairman - National Legal Council

International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.

Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.

Secretary General  : Asian Human Rights Council

International Peace keeper


Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated, Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed and Accredited PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist, Motivator, Changemaker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded several National & International Awards for his Excellence work for more than 15 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.



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"Human Rights In India,Social Justice,Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India, State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India" "Human Rights In India, Social Justice, Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India,State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Anthony Raju , Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India"

Comply With Directions To Install CCTVs In Police Stations : Supreme Court Gives Warning To Centre, States

Comply With Directions To Install CCTVs In Police Stations : Supreme Court Gives Warning To Centre, States

CCTV Installation in police stations and investigative agencies: Supreme Court asks States, UTs and Union Government to file compliance affidavits before March 29.

(Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated 22-11-2016 in CRWP No. 1245/2016 passed by the High Court Of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh) For Petitioner(s) Mr. Ganesh Khanna, Adv. Mr. Himanshu Bhushan, AORMr. Dhawaljeet Dutta, Adv. Mr. Bankey Bihari, AOR Mr. Birendra Bikram, Adv. Mr. Gautam Awasthi, AOR Mr. Ashish Batra, AOR For Respondent(s) Mr. Nikunj Dayal, AOR Ms. Jaspreet Gogia, AOR Mr. Abhishek Atrey, AORMr. Jitendra Kumar Tripathi, Adv.Mr. Sunny Choudhary, Adv. Mr. R Venkataramani, Attorney General for India Mr. Tushar Mehta, Solicitor General Mr. Madhavi Divan, A.S.G. Mr. Chinmayee Chandra, Adv. Mr. Rajat Nair, Adv. Ms. Nidhi Khanna, Adv. Mr. Anandh Venkataramani, Adv. Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Venkataramani, Adv. Mr. Vinayak Mehrotra, Adv. Ms. Mansi Sood, Adv. Mr. Chitvan Singhal, Adv. Ms. Sonali Jain, Adv. Mr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Adv. Mr. Raman Yadav, Adv. Ms. Sneha Kalita, Adv. Mr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, AOR Mr. Mahfooz Ahsan Nazki, AOR Mr. Polanki Gowtham, Adv. Mr. Kv Girish Chowdary, Adv. Mr. T Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, Adv. Mr. Shaik Mohamad Haneef, Adv. Ms. Rajeswari Mukherjee, Adv. Mr. Abhimanyu Tewari, AOR Ms. Eliza Bar, Adv. Mr. Manish Kumar, AOR Mr. Ravi Shanker Jha, Adv. Mr. Sumeer Sodhi, AOR Ms. Shreya Singh, Adv. Ms. Swati Ghildiyal, AOR Ms. Devyani Bhatt, Adv. Mr. Shekhar Raj Sharma, A.A.G. Mr. Samar Vijay Singh, AOR Mr. Paras Dutta, Adv. Ms. Amrita Verma, Adv. Mr. Keshav Mittal, Adv. Ms. Sabarni Som, Adv. Mr. B. K. Satija, AOR Mr. Satish Pandey, AOR Mr. Shailesh Madiyal, AOR Mr. Vaibhav Sabharwal, Adv. Mr. Parth Awasthi, Adv. Mr. Akshay Kumar, Adv. Ms. K. Enatoli Sema, AOR Ms. Limayinla Jamir, Adv. Mr. Amit Kumar Singh, Adv. Ms. Chubalemla Chang, Adv. Mr. Prang Newmai, Adv. Mr. Vishnu Sharma, Adv. Mr. Anando Mukherjee, AOR Mr. Shwetank Singh, Adv. Ms. Mukti Chaudhry, AOR Mr. V. N. Raghupathy, AOR Mr. C. K. Sasi, AOR Mr. Abdulla Naseeh V T, Adv. Ms. Meena K Poulose, Adv. Mr. Arjun Garg, AOR Mr. Saurabh Mishra, A.A.G. Mr. Gopal Jha, AOR Mr. Aaditya Aniruddha Pande, AOR Mr. Siddharth Dharmadhikari, Adv. Mr. Bharat Bagla, Adv. Mr. Sourav Singh, Adv. Mr. Pukhrambam Ramesh Kumar, AOR Mr. Karun Sharma, Adv. Ms. Anupama Ngangom, Adv. Mr. Avijit Mani Tripathi, AOR Mr. Upendra Mishra, Adv.Mr. P.S. Negi, Adv. Mr. T.k. Nayak, Adv. Ms. Marbiang Khongwir, Adv. Mr. Nirnimesh Dube, AOR Mr. Siddhesh Kotwal, Adv. Mr. Nihar Dharmadhikari, Adv. Ms. Sampriti Baksi, Adv. Mr. Shovan Mishra, AOR Ms. Bipasa Tripathy, Adv. Mr. D. K. Devesh, AOR Dr. Manish Singhvi, Sr. Adv. Mr. Ashok Basoya, Adv. Mr. Sandeep Kumar Jha, AOR Mr. Arpit Prakash, Adv. Mr. Narendra Kumar, AOR Mr. Raghvendra Kumar, Adv. Mr. Anand Kumar Dubey, Adv. Mr. Jainendra Ojha, Adv. Mr. Rajiv Kumar Sinha, Adv. Mr. M. Yogesh Kanna, AOR Mr. S.. Udaya Kumar Sagar, AOR Mr. Shuvodeep Roy, AOR Mr. Sai Shashank, Adv. Mr. Deepayan Dutta, Adv. Ms. Garima Prashad, Sr. A.A.G. Ms. Ruchira Goel, AOR Mr. Adit Jayeshbhai Shah, Adv. Mr. Jaswant Singh Rawat, AOR Mr. Vikas Negi, Adv. Mr. Nand Lal, Adv. Ms. Astha Sharma, AOR Mr. Ravinder Singh, Adv. Mr. Srisatya Mohanty, Adv. Ms. Raveesha Gupta, Adv. Mr. Sanjeev Kaushik, Adv. Ms. Mantika Haryani, Adv. Mr. Shreyas Awasthi, Adv. Mr. Himanshu Chakravarty, Adv. Mr. Devvrat Singh, Adv. Ms. Muskan Surana, Adv. M/S. Plr Chambers And Co., AOR Ms. G. Indira, AOR Mr. Ajay Pal, AOR Mr. Gurmeet Singh Makker, AOR Ms. Tina Garg, AOR Mr. M.K. Ghosh, Adv. Mr. Chandra Bhushan Prasad, AOR Mr. Chirag M. Shroff, AOR Mr. Raj Bahadur Yadav, AOR Mr. Aravindh S., AOR Mr. Aravindh.s, Adv. Ms. Uma Bhuvaneswari.c, Adv. Mr. Abbas, Adv. Ms. Liz Mathew, AORMr. Karan Sharma, AOR Mr. Rishabh Sharma, Adv.Mr. Mohit Siwach, Adv. Mr. Mrigank Prabhakar, AOR Ms. Avinashi K. Bedi, Adv. O R D E R Mr. Siddhartha Dave, learned Senior Advocate/Amicus Curiae has submitted the Sixth Report. The Report states that many of the agencies under the Union of India and various State Governments have not complied with the directions for installation of CCTV cameras in the police station as well as the offices of agencies under the Union of India. 2 We request the learned Amicus Curiae to supply a copy of the said Report to the learned ASG. We further request the learned ASG to supply a copy of the said Report to the Union of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs. A copy of the Report shall be forwarded by the Home Ministry, Union of India to the Home Secretaries of all the States as well as the Union Territories in the country. The same shall be done within a week from today. The learned ASG submits that there is already a compliance of the directions issued by this Court and placed a chart on record indicating the same. Though the Chart would show that some of the agencies have complied with the directions, some of the agencies have not complied with even a part of the direction. In that view of the matter, it would be appropriate that the Union of India as well as all the States/Union Territories shall file an affidavit stating therein the present status with regard to the compliance of the directions issued by this Court. The said affidavit shall be submitted on or prior to 29.03.2023. A copy of the said affidavit be supplied to the learned Amicus Curiae. We clarify that in the event the directions, as issued by this Court, are not complied with by the Union of India and the respective State Governments/Union Territories, we shall be compelled to take such steps as found necessary against the Secretary (Home), Union of India as well as the Chief Secretary and the Secretary (Home) of the respective State Governments. We further direct the Secretary (Home), Union of India to communicate this order to all the Chief Secretaries as well as the Home Secretaries of the respective States and the Union Territories. We direct the matter to be placed on 18.4.2023.





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(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.

All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.

Dr. Anthony Raju

Advocate , Supreme Court of India.

Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.

Chairman - National Legal Council

International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.

Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.

Secretary General  : Asian Human Rights Council

International Peace keeper


Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated, Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed and Accredited PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist, Motivator, Changemaker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded several National & International Awards for his Excellence work for more than 15 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.



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"Human Rights In India,Social Justice,Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India, State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India" "Human Rights In India, Social Justice, Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India,State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Anthony Raju , Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India"


दहेज हत्या के झूठे मामले में सुनवाई को रोका जा सकता है!

दहेज हत्या के झूठे मामले में सुनवाई को रोका जा सकता है!


Top Criminal Advocate
Top Human Rights Advocate

For more details, visit below
9873005424, 9873087903
(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.
All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.
Dr. Anthony Raju
Advocate , Supreme Court of India.
Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
Chairman - National Legal Council
International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.
Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.
Secretary General : Asian Human Rights Council
International Peace keeper

Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated, Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed and Accredited PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist, Motivator, Changemaker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded several National & International Awards for his Excellence work for more than 15 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.

#dranthonyraju #drjuneann #drtessmartin #drameenaali #aparathapa, #sandeepmarwah, #Tophumanrightscouncil, #Humanrightsinindia #Socialjustice, #freelegalhelp #HumanRightsOrganizationsInIndia, #HumanRightsComplaint, #HumanRights, #AdvocateSupremeCourt #HumanRightsMembership ##TopHumanRightsOrganisationofIndia #peace #gahrc #humanrightseducation #humanrightsleadership #humanitarian #ihrac #dranthonyraju #aichls #humanrightsambassador #tophumanrightsactivistofindia #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #nhrc #tophumanrightsadvocateof india #topcriminaladvocate #nationalhumanrightscommission #topcriminaladvocatesupremecourtofindia
"Human Rights In India,Social Justice,Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India, State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India" "Human Rights In India, Social Justice, Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Organizations In India,State Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Commission Delhi, Human Rights Complaint, Human Rights, Anthony Raju , Advocate Supreme Court, Human Rights Membership, Top Human Rights Organisation of India"

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ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spritual and motivational speaker , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.
All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice registered under Society , Govt of NCT, has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT

Illegal Arrest
It is solemn duty of the court to protect and uphold the basic human rights of the weaker section of the society. Arrest can be made on not only in Criminal cases but also in Civil cases. In order to bring arrestee before a Court of Law or otherwise secure of the administration of the law, an arrest will usually be made...

''The wrongdoer is accountable and the State is responsible
if the person in custody of the police is deprived of his
life except according to the procedure established by law.''

It is solemn duty of the court to protect and uphold the basic human rights of the weaker section of the society. Arrest can be made on not only in Criminal cases but also in Civil cases. In order to bring arrestee before a Court of Law or otherwise secure of the administration of the law, an arrest will usually be made. Arrest notifies a person who has been accused of a crime and can deter and admonish such persons from committing some more other crimes. It is already discussed by me in my previous Article titled '' Guidelines on arrest of women and Judicial Officers'', that Chapter V of Criminal Procedure Code,1973 deals with ''Arrest of persons''. To know about guidelines to be followed before arrest, it is essential to refer the ruling Joginder Kumar vs State of Utter Pradesh. To know more as to guidelines during arrest, it is necessary to refer the decison D.K.Basu vs State of West Bengal. Further, to know about guidelines after arrest, it is essential to refer the ruling Sunil Batra vs Delhi Administration, Prem Shankar Shukla vs Delhi Administration and D.K.Basu's case. A fortiori, it is also necessary to see Article 20(3) of Indian Constitution, the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code,1973 relating to arrest, Article 7 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1966 and National Human Rights Commission guidelines on arrest and National Police Commission: Third report etc.

Meaning Of Arrest:
The word '' ARREST'' is not defined in Code of Criminal Procedure,1973. But, Section 46 of Cr.P.C explains '' Arrest how made''. Under this section, a police officer is given power to use all means necessary to effect the arrest in case of such person forcibly resists the endeavour to arrest him, or attempts to evade the arrest. If we refer a legal dictionary, it conveys the meaning that ''to deprive one of his liberty by virtue of legal authority.'' It gives another meaning: '' to stop''; and also conveys meaning: '' to seize''. Thus, it is known that arrest means'' A seizure or forcible restraint; an exercise of the power to deprive a person of his or her liberty; the taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal authority, especially, in response to a criminal charge''.However, if we go through the rulings given in this article, the meaning of arrest can succinctly be understood.

False Arrest:
''A tort (a civil wrong) that consists of an unlawful restraint of an individual's personal liberty or freedom of movement by another purporting to act according to the law.'' An action can be instituted for the damages ensuing from false arrest, such as loss of salary while imprisoned, or injury to reputation that results in a pecuniary loss to the victim. Ill will and malice are not elements of the tort, but if these factors are proven, Punitive Damages can be awarded in addition to Compensatory Damages or nominal damages. In view of this, it is clearly knwon that if illegal arrest is made, punitive damages in addition to compensatory or nominal damages can be awarded. In this context, it is very essential to go through the following case-law to know the consequences of illegal arrest.

Related Case-Law:
-In Boya Nallabothula Venkateswarlu and Ors Vs. The Circle Inspector of Police, Nandikotkur PS and Ors (2010 (3) U.P.L.J 19 (HC)), the Hon'ble Andhra Pradesh High Court Held. ''Despite having sufficient material to reach a finding that the arrest and detention caused by the police are illegal, if we direct further enquiry to be made into the allegations leveled against the investigation agency, it is nothing but diluting the issue and it may also afford an opportunity to the police to harass the witnesses to speak on their behalf. Therefore, we think it just and proper to record a finding since the material available on record in the facts and circumstances of the case,enables us to record a finding that the investigation conducted by the police is false to their own knowledge and that the arrest and detention of the appeallants caused by the police are illegal.''

In Boya Nallabothula Venkateswarlu and Ors'case (Cited supra), 2010 (3) U.P.L.J 19 (HC), the appellants were deliberately and purposely implicated in a grave charge of murder. Therefore, in this case, the Hon'ble Division Bench of A.P. High Court directed the State to pay compensation at the rate of Rs 1,000/- per day to each of the appellants for causing their illegal arrest and wrongful detention for a period of 32 days. And held that the compensation shall be in addition to the compensation for whcih the appellants are entitled under private law remedy. It is also directed to recover the compensation paid, from the police personnel who are responsible for illegal arrest and wrongful detention of the appellants. It is further directed to the State to pay an amount of Rs.9,000/- to the appellants towards expenses defrayed by them in prosecuting the writ petition and the writ appeal.

- Manka Gandhi vs Union of India, AIR 1978 SC 597, it was held that Article 21 is controlled by Art 19, that is it must satisfy the requirement of Art.19 also; Mal-treatment of Woman prisoners in Lock-up: Sheila Barse vs UOI, AIR 1986 SC 1773; Bar against solitary confinment: Sunil Batra vs Delhi Administration, AIR 1978 SC 1675; Bar against Handcuffing and fetters: Prema shankar vs Delhi Administration, AIR 1980 SC 1535; Illegal arrest: Joginder Singh vs State of UP, (1994) 4 SCC 280; Arvind Singh Bagga vs St. of UP, AIR 1985 SC 117.

- In Nilabati Bahera's case , it was held : Adverting to the grant of relief to the heirs of a victim of custodial death for the infraction or invasion of his rights guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, it is not always enough to relegate him to the ordinary remedy of a civil suit to claim damages for the tortious act of the State as that remedy in private law indeed is available to the aggrieved party. The citizen complaining of the infringement of the indefeasible right under Article 21 of the Constitution cannot be told that for the established violation of the fundamental right to life, he cannot get any relief under the public law by the courts exercising writ jurisdiction. The primary source of the public law proceedings stems from the prerogative writs and the courts have, therefore, to evolve 'new tools' to give relief in public law by molding it according to the situation with a view to preserve and protect the Rule of Law. While concluding his first Hamlyn Lecture in 1949 under the title "Freedom under the Law" Lord Denying in his own style warned:-

"No one can suppose that the executive will never be guilty of the sins that are common to all of us. You may be sure that they will sometimes do thing which they ought not to do : and will not do things that they ought to do. But if and when wrongs are thereby suffered by any of us what is the remedy? Our procedure for securing our personal freedom is efficient, our procedure for preventing the abuse of power is not. Just as the pick and shovel is no longer suitable for the winning of coal, so also the procedure of mandamus, certiorari, and actions on the case are not suitable for the winning of freedom in the new age. They must be replaced by new and up-to date machinery, by declarations, injunctions and actions for negligence... This is not the tasks of Parliament.... the courts must do this. Of all the great tasks that lie ahead this is the greatest. Properly exercised the new powers of the executive lead to the welfare state; but abused they lead to a totalitarian state. None such must even be allowed in this country".

- The informative and educative observations of O’ Dalaigh CJ in The State (at the Prosecution of Quinn) v. Ryn [1965] IR 70 (122) deserve special notice. The Learned Chief Justice said:

"It was not the intention of. the Constitution in guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the citizen that these rights should be set at bought or circumvented. The intention was that rights of substance were being assured to the individual and that the Courts were the custodians of those rights. As a necessary corollary, it follows that no one can with impunity set these rights at bought or circumvent them, and that the Court's powers in this regard are as ample as the defence of the Constitution requires."

- In Byrne Vs Ireland (1972) IR 241, Walsh J opines at p264: '' In several parts in the constitution duties to make certain provisions for the benefit of the citizens are imposed on the State in terms which bestow rights upon the citizen and, unless some contrary provision appears in the Constitution, the Constitution must be deemed to have created a remedy for the enforcement of thse rights. It follos that , where the right is one guaranteed by the State, it is against the State that the remedy must be sought if there has been a failure to discharge the constitutional obligation imposed.''

- In Joginder Kumar Vs State of U.P And Others, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India held that '' the arrest should not be merely on suspicion about the person's complicity in the crime and the police officer must be satisfied about necessity and justification of such arrest on the basis of some investigation and the reasons for arrest must be recorded by the police officer in his diary and the arrest should normally be avoided except in cases of heinous crime.''

- In Bhim Singh, MLA Vs State of J&K And others, the Hon'ble Supreme Court held that '' the police officers should have greatest regard for personal liberty of citizens, their mala fide, high handed and authoritarian conduct in depriving the personal liberty of person has to be strongly condemned.'' In this case, the Hon'ble Supreme Court directed the Respondent no.1, the State of Jammu and Kashmir to pay to Shri Bhim Singh a sum of Rs 50,000/- within two months.

- In Lucknow Development Authority Vs M.K.Gupta , it was held that '' when public servant by mala fide, oppressive and capricious acts in performance of official duty causes, injustice, harassment and agony to common man and renders the State or its instrumentality liable to pay damages to the person aggrieved from public fund, State or its instrumentality is duty bound to later recover the amount of compensation so paid from the public servant concerned.''

- In Sanganagouda A. Veeranagouda and others vs State of Karnataka, in this case, '' one ''V'' was arrested in a murder case on the direction of Office-in-charge of the police station and subsequently died by hanging himself in the police station, the Hon'ble Supreme Court considering the undisputed facts viz that at the relevant time A.1 was in charge of the police station, A2 to A5 were working as police constables in the said police station, the injuries sustained by the deceased Guddappa to his death was caused in the said police station, the fact that the IO did not produce ''V'' before the nearest Magistrate within 24 hours by his arrest as required under Code of Criminal Procedure, held that the death of the deceased has since occurred beyond 24 hours it would amount to wrongful confinement as contemplated under Section 348 of IPC and accordingly upheld the order passed by the Hon'ble High Court.''

- In Hindustan Transmission Products Ltd Vs. State of Kerala,, a petition filed under Article 32 of the Constitution of India for issuance of a writ of Hebeas Corpus to produce two persons, the Hon'ble Supreme Court directed the Hon'ble District Judge, Ludhiana to conduct an enquiry into the allegations made in the affidavit and counter affidavits and submit a report as to the veracity of the statements made by either of the parties particularly in relation to the illegal detention of the aforementioned two persons. Thereafter on receiving the report of the District Judge, the Hon'ble Apex Court held that the two persons were wrongfully deprived of their right to personal liberty by the police authorities of the State of Punjab during the period from 09-08-1993 to 02-10-1993 and directed the State of Punjab to pay each of them a sum of Rs 10,000/- by way of compensation within a period of one month. The Hon'ble Supreme Court furthe made it clear that the payment of this amount by way of compensation would not preclude Dalit Saini and Omprakash from pursuing the remedy, civil as well as criminal, that is available to them in law in respect of their wrongful confinement during this period.

- The Requirements To Be Followed in All Cases Of Arrest Or Detention As Per Ruling Shri D.K. Basu Vs State Of West Bengal:
''A. The following requirements to be followed in all cases of arrest or detention till legal provisions are made in that behalf as preventive measurers : (1) The police personnel carrying out the arrest and handling the interrogation of the arrestee should bear accurate, visible and clear identification and name tags with their designations. The particulars of all such police personnel who handle interrogation of the arrestee must be recorded in a register. (2) That the police officer carrying out the arrest of the arrestee shall prepare a memo of arrest at the time of arrest and such memo shall be attested by atleast one witness, who may be either a member of the family of the arrestee or a respectable person of the locality from where the arrest is made. It shall also be counter signed by the arrestee and shall contain the time and date of arrest. (3) A person who has been arrested or detained and is being held in custody in a police station or interrogation centre or other lock-up, shall be entitled to have one friend or relative or other person known to him or having interest in his welfare being informed, as soon as practicable, that he has been arrested an is being detained at the particular place, unless the attesting witness of the memo of arrest is himself such a friend or a relative of the arrestee. (4) The time, place of arrest and venue of custody of an arrestee must be notified by the police where the next friend or relative of the arrestee fives outside the district or town through the Legal Aid Organisation in the District and the police station of the area concerned telegraphically within a period of 8 to 12 hours after the arrest. (5) The person arrested must be made aware of this right to have someone informed of his arrest or detention as soon as he is put under arrest or is detained. (6) An entry must be made in the diary at the place of detention regarding the arrest of the person which shall also disclose the name of the next friend of the person who has been informed of the arrest and the names and particulars of the, police officials in whose custody the arrestee is. (7) The arrestee should, where he so requests, be also examined at the time of his arrest and major and minor injuries, if any present on his/herbed, must be recorded at that time. The "Inspection Memo" must be signed both by the arrestee and the police officer effecting the arrest and its copy provided to the arrestee. (8) The arrestee should be subjected to medical examination by a trained doctor every 48 hours during his detention in custody by a doctor on the panel of approved doctors appointed by Director, Health Services of the concerned State or Union Territory. Director, Health Services should prepare such a penal for all Tehsils and Districts as well. (9) Copies of all the documents including the memo of arrest, referred to above, should be sent to the illaga Magistrate for his record. (10) The arrestee may be permitted to meet his lawyer during interrogation, though not throughout the interrogation. (11) A police control room should be provided at all district and State Headquarters, where information regarding the arrest and the place of custody of the arrestee shall be communicated by the officer causing the arrest, within 12 hours of effecting the arrest and at the police control room it should be displayed on conspicous notice board. (Para 36). B. These requirements are in addition to the constitutional and statutory safeguards and do not detract from various other directions given by the courts from time to time in connection with the safeguarding of the rights and dignity of arrestee. (Para 39)''

A fortiori, it is apt to reminisce that'' procedure in Article 21 means fair, not formal procedure. Law is reasonable law, not any enacted piece. As Art. 22 specifically spells out the procedural safeguards for preventive and punitive detention, a law providing for such detention should conform to Art. 22.'' Let me conclude this article with a hope that no person shall not deliberately and purposely be implicated in any crime.
# Article ' Guidelines On Arrest of Women and Judicial Officers'' published in LAW SUMMARY 2010 (1) L.S, 15-04-2010,Part-7; and also published in online
# 1994 (4) SCC 260
# AIR 1997 SC 610
# (1978) 4 SCC 494
# (1980) Cr L J 930
# (1979-1981),Page 32,PARA 15,48
. It was further held'' Basing on the above material, we arrive at a definite and positive conclusion that the investigation conducted by the police is false to their own knowledge and to somehow close the case file, they gave their own conclusion to the case by involving the appellants in a false charge of murder and the alleged deceased was in fact found to be very much alive. The police personnel concerned are, therefore, guilty of illegal arrest and wrongful detention of the appellants and also liable for the offence of wrongful confinement, which is punishable under Section 342 of IPC.''
. (1994) 4 SCC 260
. (1985) 4 SCC 677
. (1994) 1 SCC 243
. (2005) 12 SCC 468
. (1997) 11 SCC 623
. MANEKA GANDHI Vs. UNION OF INDIA, 1978 AIR 597, 1978 SCR (2) 621

ISBN No: 978-81-928510-1-3
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Author Bio: Y.SRINIVASA RAO, M.A(English).,B.Ed.,LL.M.; Judicial Magistrate of I Class; Topper in LL.M
Email: y.srini.judge@gmail.comWebsite:

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Under Section 57 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr. P.C.) and Article 22(2) of the Constitution of India, 1950 no person arrested without warrant is to be detained in custody for a longer than reasonable period, which shall in any event not exceed 24 hours.

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This Court holds that the matter of illegal arrest and illegal detention can ... Ankit Ghanshyam Mutha S/O ... vs Union Of India And Ors on 21 January, 2020.

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Supreme Court of India ... Whether non-compliance with S. B makes the detention illegal from the very beginning, i. e. invalidates the order under ...

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Illegal Arrest. It is solemn duty of the court to protect and uphold the basic human rights of the weaker section of the society. Arrest can be made on not ...

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This research paper studies the concept of illegal arrests in India and the procedures established to arrest a person. It is a known fact that it is the ...

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27-Nov-2018 — Whereas, 'illegal detention' is the unsubstantiated imprisonment or unlawful deprivation of liberty of an individual by arresting for an ...

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Keeping in view the complaints on illegal arrests and unlawful detention the NHRC India has issued guidelines on arrest which are enclosed as Annexure 'A'.

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Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission
The National Human Rights Commission, India has been set up by an Act of Parliament under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 for the protection and promotion of human rights. The functions of the Commission as stated in Section 12 of the Act and apart from enquiry into complaints of violation of human rights or negligence in the prevention of such violation by a public servant, the Commission also studies treaties and international instruments on human rights and make recommendations for their effective implementation to the Government.

The Commission is responsible for spreading of human rights awareness amongst the masses and encouraging the efforts of all stake holders in the field of human rights literacy not only at the national level but at international level too. NHRC is a unique institution because it is one of the few National Human Rights Institutes (NHRIs) in the world whose Chairperson is the former Chief Justice of the country. The world looks at NHRC of India as a role model in promoting and monitoring effective implementation of promotion and protection of human rights.

Section 2(1) (d) of the PHR Act defines Human Rights as the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by courts in India.

The NHRC, India plays an active role in coordinating with other NHRIs of the world to enhance awareness from the perspective of human rights. It has also hosted delegations from UN Bodies and other National Human Rights Commissions as well as members of civil society, lawyers and political and social activists from many countries.


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ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spritual and motivational speaker , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.
All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice registered under Society , Govt of NCT, has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT
. #aichls #tophumanrightsorganusationofindia ====================================================== In Public Interest , More Links Of Human Rights Organisation working for the promotion and protection of Human Rights. #Tophumanrightscouncil, #Humanrightsinindia #Socialjustice, #Humanrightscommission, #NationalHumanRightsCommissiin #StateHumanRightsCommission, #HumanRightsCommissionDelhi, #HumanRightsComplaint, #HumanRights, #AnthonyRaju #AdvocateSupremeCourt #HumanRightsMembership #TopHumanRightsOrganisationofIndia #Motivationalspeaker #spiritualleader #constitutionexpert

The Commission is responsible for spreading of human rights awareness amongst the masses and encouraging the efforts of all stake holders in the field of human rights literacy not only at the national level but at international level too.19-Nov-2019

Vision & Mission - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › vision-and-mission
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The NHRC is responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights, defined by the act as "Rights Relating To Life, liberty, equality and dignity of the ...
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Motto: sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ; (transl. "May ...
Formed: 12 October 1993 (29 years ago)
Agency executive: Arun Kumar Mishra, Chairp...‎
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24-May-2017 — By ensuring equal opportunities and protecting citizens against discrimination and inaction, the NHRC can provide a level playing field to all ...

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How many members are there in State Human Rights Commission in Tamilnadu

The State Human Rights Commission was constituted in the state of Tamil Nadu on 17.4.1997 in accordance with the powers conferred on the State under section-21 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Tamil Nadu is one of the very few States which has constituted a Commission for the Human Rights.

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Constitution of State Human Rights Commission, Tamil Nadu
Officers and staff
Constitution of the State Human Rights Commission, Tamil Nadu

This Commission was constituted in accordance with the powers conferred on the State under section-21 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 (Central Act 10 of 1994) the exercise the powers conferred upon and perform the functions assigned to it provided under this Act.

Tamil Nadu is one of the very few States which has constituted a Commission for the Human Rights.

It would not be out of place to mention that India was a party to the International covenant on civil and political rights and the international covenant to Economic, Social and Cultural rights, both of which were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16th December 1966 and the rights embodied in those covenants stood substantially protected by the Constitution of India. Having regard to this, and to the changing social realities and emerging trends in t nature of crime and violence, it had been considered essential to review the existing laws a procedure and the system of administration with a view to bringing about greater efficiency and transparency, the Government of India constituted National Human Rights Commission 12th October 1993 and for the same reasons and objects and with a view to provide easy a close access to the needy victims of violation, the State Human Rights Commission was constituted in the state of Tamil Nadu on 17.4.1997. At the time of constitution, Tamil Nadu was the fifth State to form this Commission, the others being the States of West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Himachal Pradesh. Two other States Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir have since constituted the State Commission.

As under section 21 of the above Act, the Government in its order in G.O.Ms. 1465 1466 Public (L&O) Dept. dated 20.12.1996, Constituted the State Human Rights Commission with the following members:

a) A Chairperson who has been a Chief Justice of the High Court.

(b) One member who is or has been a judge of the High Court.

(c) One Member who is or has been a judge of the District Court.

(d) Two members to be appointed from amongst persons having knowledge of or practical experience, in matters relating to human rights.

(e) One Secretary not below the rank of the Secretary to Government who shall be the ( Executive Officer of the State Commission.

In accordance with section 22 of the Act, the Chairperson and Members of the Commission were appointed by the Governor on the basis or the recommendations of the Committee comprising the Chief Minister as the Chairperson and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly the Minister in charge of the Dept. of Home, Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Assembly as Members.

In accordance with section 26 of the Act, the State Government has notified the salaries ; allowances payable to the Chairperson and Members of the Commission as also the terms and conditions of their services in its order in G.O.Ms.No. 1465, Public (L&O) dated 20.12.1996.

In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 10 (2) of the Act, the Commission has issued regulations, governing the procedures to be followed in the conduct of its business and the same have been duly notified in the Government Gazette.

It may also be seen from the provisions of the section 27 of the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993, that the Commission will be equipped with an Investigative wing, Technical Wing and a Scientific wing and, in effect, Section 27 1 (b) and 2 reads as follows:

| TOP |

Officers and staff of the State Commission.

The State Government shall make available to the commission:

(a) such police and investigative staff under an Officer not below the rank of an Inspector General of Police and such other Officers and staff as may be necessary for the efficient performance of the functions of the State Commission.

(b) Subject to such rules as may be made by the State Government in this behalf, the State Commission may appoint such other administrative, technical and scientific staff a: it may consider necessary.

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तमिलनाडु में राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग में कितने सदस्य हैं

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18-Jan-2023 — Tamil Nadu State Human Rights Commission ; Tel.No.: 044-24951484 ; Fax: 24951486 ; Email: ; Website: ; Address:.

Select State - National Human Rights Commission India › about-us › state-commission
Tamil Nadu State Human Rights Commission. Tel.No.: 044-24951484 ... 2, Member, Thiru Justice Raja Elango, 24951487. 3, Member, Thiru V. Kannadasan, 24951489.

State Human Rights Commission, Tamil Nadu, India
State Human Rights Commission. Thiruvarangam. 143, P.S. Kumarasamy Raja Salai, (Greenways Road). Chennai 600 028, Tamilnadu. Phone : 91-44-2495 1484

membership form available here -.::HRCIN::. › single_page
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7. The unit shall get the membership form filled by new proposed members & send it to the National Governing Body for its approval along with his/her bio- ...

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State Human Rights Commission Tamil Nadu · Justice k.Baskaran, Chairperson · Thiru. D.Jayachandran, Member.
Formed: 17 April 1997 (Notification: G.O.Ms. 1...
General nature: Federal law enforcement
Headquarters: Chennai, ‎Tamil Nadu‎

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21-Dec-2022 — Tamil Nadu human rights body gets 2 new members ... CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government has appointed Justice Raja Elango, a former judge of Madras ...

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25-Sept-2020 — APPLICATION PROCESS · 1) Whatsapp on 8108410031 and Ask for the Membership Form · 2) Print the Form on Legal Size Paper. · 3) Fill the form in ...
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State Human Rights Commission, Tamil Nadu [(2007) 7 MLJ 1067 (DB)] (ii) Sankar vs- Member, State Human Rights Commission, Tamil. Madras High Court.

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ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spritual and motivational speaker , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.

All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice registered under Society , Govt of NCT, has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT

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29-May-2021 — According to Section 304-B, to make out a case of dowry death, a woman should have died of burns or other bodily injuries or “otherwise than ...

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28-May-2021 — Section 304B IPC, which defines, and provides the punishment for dowry demand, reads as under: “304B. Dowry death. —(1) Where the death of a ...
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Thus, the learned trial court has erred in believing the prosecution case, which is totally false. He further submitted that there is no demand of dowry and it ...
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304b ipc doctypes: judgments - Indian Kanoon › search
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In this circumstances can this criminal get bail in high Court, as we know that this is non bailable sections of ipc 304B, 302,498a.
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304B को साबित करने के लिए क्या सबूत चाहिए?
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क्या धारा 304 बी आईपीसी जमानती है?

सभी आदेश प्रतियों की प्रमाणित प्रतियां प्राप्त करें और उच्च न्यायालय के समक्ष जमानत रद्द करने की फाइल करें ...
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा 304बी में बरी करना
दहेज हत्या पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का फैसला
आईपीसी की धारा 304बी पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का ताजा फैसला
दहेज हत्या के ऐतिहासिक मामले
304बी पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का ताजा फैसला हिंदी में
शादी के 7 साल बाद दहेज हत्या
दहेज हत्या के मामले में ताजा फैसला
304-बी आईपीसी 302 आरोपी के खिलाफ आईपीसी आरोप कानूनी या अवैध

What evidence is required to prove 304B?
What is Supreme Court Judgement on 304 B IPC?
Can 304B IPC be quashed?
Is Section 304 B IPC bailable?

Obtain certfied copies of all the order copies and file cancellation of bail before high court ...
acquittal in 304b by supreme court
supreme court judgement on dowry death
latest judgement of supreme court on 304b ipc
landmark cases on dowry death
latest judgement of supreme court on 304b in hindi
dowry death after 7 years of marriage
latest judgement on dowry death cases
304-b ipc 302 ipc charges against accused legal or illegal

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