Thursday, January 23, 2025
Quick News:

All India Bar Federation (AIBF)


All India Bar Federation

(Integrated Lawyer Community & Legal Advocacy wing of All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice – AICHLS)

Goals & Objectives…

All India Bar Federation (AIBF) is a integrated lawyer community and dedicated Legal Advocacy wing of All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice - AICHLS)

The role of legal fraternity in strengthening the democratic polity and the principle of rule of law is a universal feature. The legal community represents the most important and traditionally respected section of the society and Country. The profession has undoubtedly performed its duties in the larger interest of its people and Country.

The All India Bar Federation is committed to a more integrated lawyer community. The Association has been established with a view to facilitate greater interaction and understanding amongst legal fraternity of India. It also aspires to strengthen the relationship between the Bar and the Bench, in turn building an environment conducive to effective administration of justice and maintenance of rule of law.

The AIBF aims at upholding the Constitution of India and the representative, free and democratic form of the Government. It promotes the science of Jurisprudence and encourages research in legal and allied fields. The AIBF also regularly makes recommendations for improvement of standards of legal education throughout the country. It conducts seminars, symposia, conferences on critical issues of contemporary interest to impart knowledge to the public at large. The AIBF upholds the honour, dignity and independence of the Bar and the Bench. For attaining these objectives, the AIBF works in close coordination with non-governmental organizations, government and statutory bodies and international organizations.

ALL INDIA BAR FEDERATION (AIBF) is swear to secure for all the citizens by inborn Human Rights , Liberties and Social Justice i.e

Justice, social economic and political - for everyone including the last person

Equalityof status and of opportunity in all spheres of life, for individuals and communities and to promote among them all.

Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the Unity and integrity of the Nation.

Membership is open to Indian Citizens, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), and like-minded Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), and institutions committed to the core values of NLC

Such NGOs and institutions must not have anything in their Constitutions/Aims and Objects in conflict with the Aims and Objects of All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice (AICHLS) as given in the Memorandum of Association.

Individuals must be at least 18 years of age with academic, professional, commercial, administrative, social and/or development experience. (Please download the from )

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