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There are rising cases of false POCSO cases. Some common reasons for the misuse of the POCSO Act, said Top Pocso Advocate Dr Anthony Raju Advocate Supreme Court

17 Sep 2024 : 17:59 Comments:  Views: 
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there are rising cases of false POCSO cases. Some common reasons for the misuse of the POCSO Act, said Top Pocso Advocate Dr Anthony Raju Advocate Supreme Court

Yes, there are rising cases of false POCSO cases. Some common reasons for the misuse of the POCSO Act include:  
Personal gain: People may file false cases for personal or monetary gain.  
Marital disputes: People may file false cases in the context of marital disputes.  
Land disputes: People may file false cases in the context of land disputes.  
Personal grudges: People may file false cases out of personal grudges.  
Fabricating facts: People may fabricate facts of the case by mentioning a lower age or claiming that the adolescents are from a different religion.  
If the allegation against the accused is proven false, the court may penalize the complainant for giving false information or complaint. The punishment may extend to one year in jail and a fine.

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पोक्सो का प्रसिद्ध मामला क्या है?
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Does pocso need evidence?
Which state has the highest pocso cases?
What is the highest punishment in Pocso?
Is Pocso applicable to boys?
How to get rid of Posco?
What is the reverse burden in Pocso?
What is the presumption of guilt under Pocso?
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क्या पोक्सो केस से समझौता किया जा सकता है?
पॉक्सो मामलों में जमानत दी जा सकती है?
How to prove a false allegation under the POCSO Act?
What is the burden of proof in a pocso case?
What is Rule 4 of Pocso rules?
Is sole testimony of victim sufficient in Pocso cases?
What is burden of proof under evidence?
What is the reverse burden of proof?
What is the highest punishment for Pocso?
What is the age limit for Pocso cases?
Who invented Pocso?

Bail is difficult
It is generally difficult to get bail in POCSO cases. However, if the accused can prove they are being falsely charged, they can be acquitted with supporting evidence.  
Bail jurisdiction is constitutional
The Supreme Court has stated that bail jurisdiction is a constitutional jurisdiction of the highest importance. The court must address any legal issues that directly impact a citizen's life or liberty when considering a bail application.  
Anticipatory bail
The Supreme Court has ruled that anticipatory bail cannot be denied simply because the state requires the accused's custody for custodial interrogation.

Here are some lawyers in Delhi who may be able to help with bail in POCSO cases:
Dr. Anthony Raju's & Associatesheaded by Dr Anthony Raju Top Bail Expert in India Pocso, Rape, Dowry Death
Sidhant Dhingra & Associates: This firm is headed by Mr. Sidhant Dhingra, a criminal defense lawyer who practices in the Supreme Court, High Court of Delhi, and all District Courts in Delhi. He is known for his work on bail matters and criminal trial proceedings.
Advocate Kapil Chandna: This criminal lawyer has over 11 years of experience representing clients across India. He has expertise in bail and criminal trials, including POCSO cases.
Lex Jurists: This law firm deals with POCSO cases and has experienced POCSO lawyers.
Other lawyers in Delhi who may be able to help with POCSO Act cases include:
Adv. Jitendar Singh & Shashi Dhasmana
Adv. Ajay Kumar Singh
White & Black Lawyers Law Firm
Adv. Rohit Gautam
Adv. Virender Verma
Law & Justice Associates
Sanjay Dubbey & Co Advocates
Dubey Lawyers 4 Legal Services LLP
Mandavi Tripathi and Associate Law Firm

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Who is the chairman of the Kerala Human Rights Commission?
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7 मुख्य मानवाधिकार क्या हैं?
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Who is the Chairperson of the NCPCR?
When was Human Rights Commission established in Tamil Nadu?
Who is the human rights Commissioner of Tamil Nadu in 2024?
How many member states are in the Human Rights Council?
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How many member states are in the Human Rights Council?
How can I join the Human Rights Council of India?
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What was the first human rights commission of Andhra Pradesh and when was it formed?
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Does Goa have a Human Rights Commission?
How many members are on the Human Rights Council?
How many members are in the state human rights commission?
क्या गोवा में मानवाधिकार आयोग है?
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वर्तमान मानवाधिकार आयोग के अध्यक्ष कौन है?
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क्या हम मानवाधिकार आयोग से शिकायत कर सकते हैं?
How can I join Human Rights Commission?
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How many members are in the National Human Rights Commission of India?
Which state of India has no Human Rights Commission?
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Who is the judicial member of the Assam Human Rights Commission at present?
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Dr. Anthony Raju, Top Criminal and Bail Expert in Delhi and India
Adv. Jitendar Singh & Shashi Dhasmana. ...
Hotserve Legal Professionals. Kiran Vihar-anand Vihar. ...
Solicitor Ex Judis. ...
White & Black Lawyers Law Firm. ...
Ruchi Gupta & Associates Advocates On Record Supreme Court Of India. ...
Arun Chauhan & Associates. ...
Strengthdesk Als Law Firm. ...
Sanjay Dubbey & Co Advocates.

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Harish Salve. Harish Salve is one of India's most prominent and respected legal luminaries. ...
Fali S. Nariman. ...
Ram Jethmalani. ...
Mukul Rohatgi. ...
Kapil Sibal. ...
Gopal Subramanium. ...
Siddharth Luthra. ...
Pinky Anand.
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