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Top human rights organizations in india, Indian Press Trust

03 Nov 2022 : 15:15 Comments:  Views: 
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(AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally Accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spiritual and motivational speaker, Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally.

All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighbouring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.

Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated , Internationally accredited HUMAN RIGHTS , PEACE Ambassador & SOCIAL Worker and is one of Global's foremost voices of Human Rights.

Dr. Anthony Raju , who is an Internationally Reputed PEACE BUILDER, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER , Diplomat , an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist, Educator, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activists, Motivator, Change maker, Teacher Trainer, Disaster management Expert, Panel Arbitrator in National & International Level, Legal Aid Expert, Academician, Humanitarian works Expert, etc.

Dr. Anthony Raju has been awarded with several National & International Awards for his Excellence works for more than 10 Years for promoting and protecting Human Rights. He has been awarded with several (Honoris Causa) Degrees , Like Doctor of Sociology , Doctorate of Human Rights by International Peace University , Germany, PHD. Social Work by Universal Academy for Global Peace , Life time membership and Award by International Journalism Centre , National Human Rights Activist Award by All India Newspaper Association , Ambassador of Peace Award by Blind Association, Peace Ambassador by Global Peace Initiative -USA

Dr. Anthony Raju had justified his position many times against the capital punishment , he has publicly condemned this barbaric act in name of punishment. He has written number of articles on Extra Judicial Killings, Violence Against Women, Right to Education, Rights to Information Contemporary forms of slavery , Right to an adequate Standard of living, Extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary executions , Sale of Children, Child prostitution , Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

Dr. Anthony Raju spends most of the time between Tribal , underprivileged , Villages , he widely travels in various States i.e Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Bihar , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Uttrakhand , Gujarat , Rajasthan etc.


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